Thursday, July 12, 2007

School starting ... yay!

Pretty excited that school's starting soon, after a 2 year plus hiatus. School of Infantry and School of Armour doesnt count.

What has just passed ...

Nat Comp 2007:

Here's my feedback: Maybe should copy paste and email it later or something.

But to summarize, whatever could have gone wrong didnt. IMHO, I think everything went pretty smoothly, despite the fact that everyone was unclear of their R&R until that very day. That's the beauty of putting a bunch of officers to work.

Strange that the same speech can last for so many times, albeit some alterations here and there.

Lesson learnt: Just reuse last years plan. And maybe the speech too.


My sister's friend got her a hamster. My OTHER sister named it Bacon. We're still figuring whether we should deep fry, broil, grill, boil, steam it. Mum even suggested that we buy "Meatball", a not-yet-begotten hamster. Stunnable.

(Hey hey, "lost in your eyes" is playing again!)

Oo oo ooo .. what happened AFTER NatComp:

Thank god for informants. I feel totally betrayed now. Damn it. Grrrr.

Was quite reluctant going for the NatComp, but again, turned out to be fun with all the other usual jokers. I will never look at a Harry Porter broomstick the same way ever again. :D. I think my hardcore one is uber. Saw Wei Keat whilst the rest of us were camping at Starbucks (or some spin-off). Being the cheapos that we were, we didnt bother to buy anything. (Not like there were alot of pple that day).


Reading up on this now. Haha, my sis' was asking me what was it about, cos she was picking her modules too. Both of us are too damn lazy to go for the orientation thingie. But I'm gonna go for the 31st thingie. Some Scheme and JAVA workshop. But dammit, scheme is like ancient man, no one uses it already wat ... :S.


Finally gotten the hang of pointers, conceptually. PL's explanation is totally apalling. To say the very least.

8 Sept: (This hasnt passed yet. Just to remind myself.)

Ben is to keep this date free of pests, except for all the pretty babes waiting for me. :D :D :D. I feel so old. Haha. Any kid which calls me UNCLE ...

6th Combined JNCO 2007:

Why 6? Cos I saw the letterhead as "4th" in 2005. Progressed on the stuff done so far...

PART A: Appointment list
PART D: Course Structure
PART E: Roles and responsibilities
PART G: Rules and Regulations


FORM B: Book in/Book Out
FORM L: Logistic Requisition form

Must make JNCO after 8 Dec, cos I found out I had exams ... woah. Now my turn to laugh at myself. Still waiting for the damned syllabus to pop out. A couple of day's more wait shouldnt be a problem. Just want to get almost everything done before school starts.

I should get back into the damn gym soon.


Holy shit. This was a brilliant brilliant show. I miss SoundWave though. I tell you, if Transformers were to have Fortress Maximus ... The most uber biggest robot (don't count Unicron) ... transform from Robot to .. err.. Fortress!!!]

Signing out ... check out FortMax vid..

Posted by Unknown at 7/12/2007 01:17:00 am