Sunday, March 26, 2006


I was going to upload some music to workout to, so i went to my sis's room to grab my Creative Muvo, and plug in into the computer. Wanted to upgrade the firmware, but something was amiss, it kept giving me a 'hardware lock' error. Now, any idiot would have known the some process has a memory handle of sorts on the Muvo, so I tried to end all programs. But still no go. So I tried to plug it out and put it into another USB slot, and ....

Only the innards of the player were left. The pristine white casing of my beloved Muvo, shattered.

There was only one person who could have used it. But she didnt admit to any wrongdoing. The battery was some weird brand that I wouldn't have used. She was the culprit, without a shadow of a doubt. But she was adamant: "I didnt do it."

Fucking hell. It was my god damned 200 bucks from my first NS pay, and now this had to happen. First the LCD screen cracked (she did it), and well, it was the whole Muvo to strip. Well done.

I felt like breaking something. In fact, I feel like breaking something now.

Posted by Unknown at 3/26/2006 02:31:00 am