Sunday, June 24, 2007
bitchin again.
Just realised that my posts come few and far in between. Time certainly flies, considering the fact that I only met the EoC (ex officers club) recently. I've lots to look forward to ...Yesterday:We broke up even before we got married. Haha ... but at least the were frank at the very beginning, and I'm very grateful for that. Otherwise it certainly would have led to a disaster, to say the least. Now ... where to hold the damn camp ...
Johnny looks quite down. I don't think he understands. Haha ... disappointment clouds judgmen
Bought "Algorithmics: The spirit to computing" ... sounds abit 'holy' ... but checked on, and my judgment wasn't (all that) flawed. For $18, it was a steal. :D. Went home a sleepy but happy man. I have to thank a couple of assholes who make leaving all the more easier for me. Haha ... To those who pass SENCO, congrats. To those who failed: Hahahahahaha. I think you deserved it. I think i was disillusioned when i *thought* that they would at least appreciate the time and effort spent to organise all the course. Fuck you very much, and have a good life too. :D. Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups. Indeed. 2 days back:Mr. M.B.A. sent me an email, "thanking me in advance for being the OIC for PHS's NDP." Hahaha. Balls.To.You. Today:Still don't feel like sleeping. Must reset the body clock soon man. Default sleep time = 0300 hrs. A thought just hit me. I think SJ has made volunteering seem like a bad thing, to say this least. Why the animosity man. This SJ hospice (no relation to SJ) was caught for some corruption thingie ... Power corrupts. Absolute power ... We're inherently corrupted ?
Later on today:
Going to have the CCB thingie ... but I'm not looking forward to it. Whats there to look forward to?
Posted by Unknown at 6/24/2007 01:04:00 am
Monday, June 18, 2007
Ling's Endorsement.
Went out with the ex-officer bunch (I'm so joining the club soon): Ying, Xiang, Ling and special guest start Da Ting! Glad to see the bunch together talking cock and about other people's asses. Haha ... Da Ting and us were like reminiscing the good ole' days when everything was less bureaucratic, more nonsensical, and when everyone still loved SJ, no matter how many assholes they were.
Took a couple of photos, but this was my favorite. Wei Xiang and me doing a smile ala brokeback style. (It rhymes!) Ling looking extremely sinister, Ying trying to eat the flash up with her eyes ... and Da ting eyeing on the delicious looking newly-cut hair of poor Ying. Yummy. We were mostly chatting up on the sad state of affairs things have gotten for SJ recently. I think it just makes the prospect of leaving *much* easier. "We'll always think for the kids first. But will the kids will never think of us?" That drew an astonished look from Rudolf ... seemed like the revelation of the year for her. Shoving the thought for so long only made what I said at the moment all the more satisfying. But at the end of the day, it cannot and never will be a win win situation. Truth be told, I do feel slightly freer (and happier too!), knowing that I'd probably give some people a hard time very soon.
Posted by Unknown at 6/18/2007 12:45:00 am
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Back after a month's hiatus. Quite alot has occurred so far.
(1) OTC CampDidn't really look forward to the camp initially. Thought that it would be filled with all the crap which sparks when you put to many officers together. Didn't expect it to be that fun. First day was ok, but felt abit lost though. Not to mention the early morning hor-lan. But warmed up a little after yean lih and me played soldier. Actually, that was the entire highlight of the camp. Was [read:trying] to recruit some terrorists. But not enough to form even one section. Haiz.Hike was fun too. Got too see the shag out faces of the trainee. Walked along BKE. That was a shitting-in-the-pants scary. Lotsa activation that day. Haha. Eileen was the crazy #@$@%, Jacklynn was the 10 min crazy $@#$^. Camp fire was a blessing in disguise, and an ode to Mr. Murphy. Good thing about having officers around is that things can be turned around chop chop. No need pple to tell automatic. Good thing the guys also "on", and we played with the only man's make up. Missed camo paint.In retrospect, this was one of the more enjoyable camps I've been too as an instructor. Perfect balance of seriousness and clowning around. Doesnt have the stiffleness and bullshit from Zone 8 camps. The after camp outing-for-survivors was fun. Haha. Watched POC3. Never set so upright in a damn cinema before. Thats why I always prefer the genuine imitation products more. Don't tell.
(2) PL birthdayDarling, ain't we all getting old. Been invited to so many b'day parties ... haha. But had to turn down quite a few.[Eileen:Really SICK! Sorry nurse. Sam: Happy b'day. ORD LO!] Personally, I don't like to attend b'day parties. But of course I won't miss PL's bday for the world. Got quite a shock when I saw her there ... Unexpected guest. But why shouldnt she be there eh? So long, and yet still feel likes we broke yesterday. On the upside, it was great to see everyone up and well and good to go. Sadly Mabeline not there, less one kaki. So had Alvin and Kenny (bless them, seriously) to keep me company. PL looked great that day ... haha. Put any guys who don't know each other well, but talk about army ... and anything goes. :D. Now I just need to think of something to buy for my buddy ... (3) SJM.B.A. (Mr. Bastardrous asshole) has been telling people that "I was leaving" after July, till the point even Ms. JC and Ms EL knows ... Good choice that Ms JC is leaving that place for good. Even being a ex-student there, but working there, albeit brief, didn't rekindle any feelings for the school. Only more bureaucratic bullshit. Actually what M.B.A. had done, saved me a little work. No need to go explaining my alleged absence then. Had to as Yuhan whether PCSS can supply officers or not. Haha. Make my day. (Hi Claudia!*waves*)Been doing quite abit of thinking lately. And I think this has been at the back of my mind for the longest time. - Whether to carry on or not. Now lets try to be objective and analyze the pros and cons. Pros
(1) The corps *might* be better. Cons
(1) Less time for my studies. (2) Waste traveling $ and time => Less study time(3) Higher blood pressure having to deal with (the) asshole(s). (4) Efforts wasted planning, worrying, where in the end, ungrateful people bail out at the last moment. (5) Silver for fuck? MBA will be the one taking it on stage. (6) Work without pay. That isnt the issue. Without Pay's work work more than with pay. (7) Coming out my own money. And sometimes not getting it back. (haha. O$P$!!!)(8) Fiona's gone. Eve too. WX's loving his wife aka M16. Huiying has short hair. (irrelevant,but I had to say it) Chuiyee soon. (not the hair)(9) No appreciation. (10) Getting bland. Very. Very. Soon.
Oh well, let everything run its course.
Posted by Unknown at 6/09/2007 12:04:00 am