Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Top 10 Most beautiful people of all time ~
Ericia Lee. Hoi! Don't laugh.

Arwen aka Steve Tyler's beautiful daughter.

Jennifer Love Hewitt. I could just spend the entire day ...

Fiona. Xie. Nuff said.

Steph Song. Sigh ~~

Linda Liao. Porcelain beauty.

Lana! Although I never ever watched one episode of Smallville.

Priscilla Chan & Christy Chung. Ok ok, shouldnt put two. But its difficult to make a decision. Couldnt find a decent Priscilla Chan photo ... so here's Christy. :D.

BoA BoA BoA. I seriously don't care whether its Photoshopped or Plastic Surgeon-ed.

Number 1: Moi Ma Ma!!!
Happy Ma's Day!!! Hmm ... whats the exact date huh? :X.

Moi mama would have made Godzilla in Puss-Zilla man. Make the ugly looking lizard shit in its paints. Hmm, if it wore pants, that is. Hahaha.
P.s.: The picture is just for
illustrative/methoricative purposes. (i.e.: Hope she doesnt see this) Haha ...
Posted by Unknown at 5/09/2007 01:08:00 am
Monday, May 07, 2007
Of Donkeys and Assholes.
Went to the Singapore Arts Museum with dear ol' Pau Ling ... ~finally~. After we hor-lan like a couple months back (of no fault of mine, I swear).I found my favourite art piece of ALL TIME! haha ... (not like I'm an art buff or what).
This wonderful work of art is done by
Baet Yeok Kwan, (un)titled "Door".
Well the story goes something like this: PL and me came by this piece and didnt took much notice to it. Until I did the "art buff" ke-kan-nan lu-rus head tilt. (P.s. You need to tilt to the left to fully appreciate the grandeur stunning potrayal of the human creativity)Look closely ... and you see ...
Anyway, recently had a "deja-vu" type of feeling... I remembered I use to have a colouring book with a "Toxic-____" as the main character, and a mop .. and after some digging around ... viola!

Now, has anyone EVER EVER watched this cartoon before? I think I watched it in K1 or K2 or something like that ... 1991 - 1992 ... haha. Loved the cartoon to bits during that time ... haha. In retrospect [read:retro], the cartoon looks abit disgusting. Hmm, Ninja turtles were that shade of green too. Hmm.Damn, my blood boils a little whenever I see that asshole's email. Eek! I think its like a gag reflex or something. I pity the people sitting around him, and breathing the same air as him.Seriously, PLEASE DON'T BREED.
Saw the news clipping of the SJAB girl who had like 20 CPBS badges and she was complaining that she had to pay for so much. Bloody ______.
If you don't want to make hollow boots: Bang LOUDER.
If you don't want to badges: Don't Buy.
At least spare a damn thought for the poor person who had to organised, go down sign the certs, print the certs, and purchase the badges for you. Ingrate.
Posted by Unknown at 5/07/2007 11:41:00 pm
Friday, May 04, 2007
Falling in love ...
Was lurking in my favourite haunt (i.e. The library) yesterday, trying to search for a TCP/IP book ... and mentally calculating how many books I borrowed. Had only 2 slots left, and I was cursing and swearing. One day I'm so going to get the premium membership, when I'm feeling rich/reckless/generous/desperate enough. So far it hasnt culminated yet.Anyway, spotted this book at the shelf in the "New Titles".
I was delibrating whether to borrow the Solaris 10 CD (which I already burnt btw) + the TCP/IP book or that book. Thank the higher authorities that I borrowed this book. This by far, was the best damn book that I've ever set my sights upon. Devoured the book in 2 days, but seriously, I was sad it ended. This book is a literary treasure. Period. It has I think some of the best insults known to mankind. 1E should read this. Simians. Haha. I
love love love this book. Oh man oh man.
Posted by Unknown at 5/04/2007 02:20:00 am