Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Finally (finding the time) blogging
Hey hey, look who's back? Damn it, recently shitloads of crap have been happening to me, but I'm still taking it in my stride ...
(1) Ms. Loh backing out.
Now, I'm not ashamed to say this, but I really suck at judging people's character. This champion can "crap" (her words, not mine) out a mighty fine doctor's letter, of course with external instigation, saying that "she experiences anxiety and has difficulties coping with her CCA". Errr ... tell that to your boss next time, little girl.
Had no choice but to dissolve the two teams to form back the original sec 3 team. Damn it. Waste my time training.
(2) CPBS Screw Up
OMG. I think I might have screwed up big time. The Crime Prevention thingie had been a thorn in the flesh for a long time. Cant figure out how I could missed it out ... Will discuss this with Johnson tml. Huge sorry to CY.
(3) FAC ...
Damn, still need to call people up to see whether they're free to come down or not.
(4) OTC
Hope I'm able to learn something besides carrying #$% and wayanging.
(5) 2B
Just finished marking their Class test 2. Marked it with a heavy heart. When would these kids finally wake up from their dreamland ? I can see a bunch of them retaining soon. But the funny thing is, I think they make up to about half the class. Now, if this trend happens across the school, I think we're in for some really deep shit. Some I don't seeing retaining, but some would really break my heart to see them retain. Medicine best served bitter.
This space was INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. For all the touchy parents. And father's mother's son's and daughter's.
(6) Paper
Now this seems like a strange topic to bitch about, primarily because it hinges .. damn i don't even know how to describe it. Anyway, here's the break down.
1 Term = 3 months = 2 Reams of paper = 1000 pages.
1 month average = 333 pages.
1 class = 333/4
= 80 (estimated)
1 person = 80/40 = 2 pieces of paper
Therefore, 1 person per month is entitled to 2 pieces of paper.
=> Gay huh?
It has even gone to the point whereby the kids need to pay for their paper. And the sch just keeps demanding for more and more and more and more and more money.
I wonder where all the money went ....
Posted by Unknown at 2/13/2007 12:40:00 am