Wednesday, December 27, 2006
When love kills love ...

BBQ at Joshua's place.
Its been at least 8 years since we've known each other already. Thanks to Thai Ee for taking the effort to bring all of us together. Grateful, grateful, very grateful to you bro. He even got Ms. Chang/Mrs Ong down with her kid and hubby. Just like old times. Haha, to think she still remembered me and Hock Boon that jackass. It was wonderful to see Ah Gou, Wei Kiat, Zhu, Albert, Thai Ee and Joshua again. At least none of us change much .. wohaha.
The girls seems to get prettier though ... I think the guys not working hard enough. Whahaha. (We're not complaining). Lau Shen came too! Omg ... love him deep deep. He da man himself. He da main man :P
Special mention to my bestest buddy Ms. Tay Pau Ling. U deserve a medal darling. Haha. Thank god for solid MRT doors. Sighs. If I were in her shoes, I also dunoe wat to do. Damn.
JNCO 2006
I've held off commenting on this for the longest time. I would like to think it as a success, but deep down alot of things could have been done better. But I think I did my best already, given the resources and talent available. Always on the lookout for better pple on the team.
ThailandThailand was a bomb man ... enjoyed it totally. Too bad ma was sick ... haha. Otherwise we would have shopped until siao. One of the most enjoyable holidays where I actually enjoyed shopping. Deadly does of cheap stuff + cash to spend on makes shopping wonderful for Ben. Haha. No such luck in Singapore.
Chiying: Have a wonderful flight darlin'
Posted by Unknown at 12/27/2006 12:04:00 am