Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Completed Corps Logo .. I Hope ...

This was the first prototype ... abit england-ish. So I quickly decided against it ... had a hard time finding the damn shape of the shield ...
The Cross was easy to find. The stretcher wasnt. Thank god for Adobe Photoshop. :D Anyway, many people thought it looked like rifles ... But that was where I copied the idea from ... hahaha.

This one I thought was much better, but abit tooooo reddish. The yellow/biege was a little weird. Colours courtesy of my dearestest Sister (who's having her A's now ... -haha-) The olive wreaths were difficult to find, and in the end it looked like it was being painted on. But overall, I really liked this piece.

Ms Doreen Tang thought that the stretchers crossed out the 8 point cross, so I modded it again ... (Actually, I was figuring how to do it in Photoshop, den my dearestest sis did it in 4 steps - MS PAINT) Sigh. Finally managed to find the wreath... its called a "laurel wreath" btw. Added a relatively small "PHS"... cos at first Mr. Simon wanted big P H S within the 3 "compartments" (See the red divisions?) But doing that I would have to shift the "VIII" somewhere else ... I didnt want to do that ... A previous version had a BOX ard the PHS too .. haha. In retrospect, it would have really looked out of place. [Ok Fiona, I agree with you] [Hong Ming, you and me have no taste ...]

After some playing around ... i made a compromise, and see? The result turned out pretty good right? Haha. Making the P and S with the same width as the H would be a little weird. But I love how i turned out in the end ... Hope Mr ES and Mrs DT would be ok with it .. muHAHAHAHHAAH.
--- Completed on 071106 -
Special Thanks to my group of "Beta-testers", Alicia, Fiona, Ying, Or-Ni, -=MG SeOw=-,my MaMa, Mr ES, Mrs DT ,and of course my dearestest sister who helped alot. (She made me say this.)
Posted by Unknown at 11/07/2006 05:58:00 am