Wednesday, October 11, 2006
This post is dedicated to Ling.
The weirdest/funniest "Thank you" note i receieved so far:

Dear Ling,
I really wanted to write you a personal letter, but then many pple out there won't know how much gratitude I feel inside. And I'll try not to sound cliched or cheesy. No promises. darling.
First, I was pretty turned off by the fact that people like [read!,grrr.]: Ying, Johnny, Wei Xiang and god knows who else kept this from me for the longest time. But knowing my reaction to you-know-who, I perfectly understanding their pragmatic point of view. And for that, I cannot blame them. And thank heavens that didnt happen. I wouldnt want to hear this type of news from any other person.
We've known each other like what, 6 years already? But it certainly feels much much longer than that. And what a wonderful 6 years it has been. You're one of the few gems who never gave me problems but always ready with solutions. Also one of the few who can read my mind like a book. Which makes working with you all the more enjoyable and easy. I hope along the way, I can meet many more people like that. And every person I meet like that will definitely remind me of you.
Now, you were probably in shock when I didn't react the way you thought I was going too. Like I mentioned previously, you've probably gave alot of thought into this, unlike again, you-know-who. But as Sting used to sing, "If you love somebody, set them free". I didn't think he meant letting your girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband to go straying, but rather, he sang for situations like these. You have much bigger things ahead of you, and I knew the signs were coming all along. Especially after the competition thing which you had a couple of months back. But at the end of the day, I knew your mind was made up based on intuition and logic but at the same time, you discharged you duties responsibly and tied up loose ends. For that, I'm also grateful.
Thank you, for being the personification of responsibilty, initiative, good character, humility and perseverance. Without you there certainly wouldnt' have been a "We" at this point of time.
Thank you for your time, effort and sweat spent. I hope it was all worthed it, especially for believing in something everyone else forgot about.
But above all, thank you for maintaining the corps while I was away. (Ying, never forgot you. Xiang, when you pull a stunt like that soon, I will mail u a nice post for you too :P.) Without you people, we'll be in deep a long time ago.
I feel blessed having to work and known such a wonderful person like you. Too bad for the other suckers who didnt get a chance. (Of course there were times you almost drove me nuts ... but thats another story altogether.)
It pains me to say this, but I am glad you made your decision. Never forget the things you've learnt and the things you taught. And I'm always a phone call's away. (Try next year though, I'm trying to change my phone plan for free incoming calls. Lolx)
I wish you joy and happiness. I will miss you dearly. But you're never far from my heart. (aww)
Rock On darling ... HOOOOOOOO!
Love lots,
Posted by Unknown at 10/11/2006 09:00:00 pm
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Promo Photos ... (how come i cant smile?!)

Just dug up some of this photos from "My Received Files" folder. Its a wonder what you can find in there...
Here's a pretty decent photo of me and
ying. I
used to think she was very tall ... NOT ANYMORE .. . [Ying: U DID NOT see this. Hee.]
This photo taken quite a while ago bah. About 120 day plus to ORD ... wha ... few months back lo. :D
Again, I noticed the damn smirk on my face. Someone must teach me how to smile for the camera.
Here's Ling aka Rudolf with of course the man himself. See? Cant smile. I think i have LLS - LEE LING SYNDROME!!! - how?! But from her blog, she seems to be able to smile for the camera ... hmm. I think its just exclusively my problem.
Damn. Who cares if you can smile or not .. as long as pple want to take picture with me !
Heres a picture of our little extended family ... Think the sec 1s were not here today. Another batch gone le. Time flies.
Needta do some touch up on the blog. I liked the previous skin, but couldnt display it on FireFox. Damn.
Did anyone notice i have a TAGBOARD already? haha. opps.
Posted by Unknown at 10/05/2006 03:58:00 pm
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Settler's Cafe @ Holland (hor-lan)

Been quite a while we had another mini-gathering like this :P. PL arrange for us to dine at Settlers at Holland V... but at first I tot it was damn ulu. Until we saw the people inside. It was a nice and cozy ambience, and I think no one was above 30. Heh heh.
And I would like to hereby declare that: PL CANNOT TOPO FOR NUTS! Haha ... although my topo-ing skills are nothing to speak off, at least we didnt go along the *wrong* route.
Anyway, heres a pic of us: From the back L to R:
Meiling, Han, Mishelle (Shannels sis for those who know her),
Jia Ling, Mabeline aka shorty,
PauLing aka Topo Queen aka my best buddy (besides boon) and
da man himself. :D
Oh ya, the very kewl thing about Settler's is that they have loads of boardgames. Bad news: $$$. But money well spent, in view of the company that day :D. I'll thrash Mabeline at Scrabble (TM) one day. muHAhhahAHa. *cough*

Here's another one with me and Jia Ling posing with an ice cream spoon which *isnt* mine. Heh. I realised i cannot smile for nuts when taking pictures. Haha. Ends up like a smirk. Oh well. God's fair yah ? I have enough smile *off* camera anyway.
Time flies. Everyone is in uni. Ord ORD oRD ... and the day of liberation and freedom and deliverance and salvation looms near ... hail the
7th of November 2006! I think smiling on camera feels like lifting 50 kg with my cheeks... bleahx. Signing off, need to wake my mum to cook ... woahhahaa. :D. Over n out.
Posted by Unknown at 10/01/2006 05:36:00 pm