Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Moi linux Desktop!

Moi souped up linux desktop ... pretty nice eh? Ala Mac OSx ... dunned to go get one le!
In case those interested ...
1. Kde 3.5.2
2. Baghira Theme
3. KxDocker (the panel below...)
4. OS-L icon ... :D
5. Walpaper from NASA webbie
6. Kubuntu Linux 6.06
wanted to try xcompgr and transset and all the other nifty stuff, but after installing fglrx drivers, the damn sound drivers refused to work. Oh well ..
So far, this distro is by far the easiest to install other programs with. Although setting up everything was a pain in the ass, i think the results were worthed it yes?
Working to get the Fire fighting, Nursing Care badge ... But must wait for Chui Yee's reply [YOU READING THIS? Haha. :D] And national activity badge too ... maybe they'll do the national heritage trial again ...
Posted by Unknown at 9/26/2006 09:37:00 pm
Sunday, September 17, 2006
ALL PASSED KOTO !!!This was the single bestest piece of news i've heard in a long long time. Seems like all the efforts put in by everyone actually paid off. :D. I think no one in the corps managed this feat before ... :D.Well done pple. Now, we can really focus on the rest of the CPBS badges.
Posted by Unknown at 9/17/2006 10:04:00 pm
randomly gererated musings
I realised software has alot in common with people in general. Whenever you come to rely on them too much, they always seem to disappoint you at the end.
Haven't blogged in a quadrillian years. Writer's block. Or maybe its a testament to my schedule being packed and all. (But we all know thats NOT the case) Whoever we might be.
On hindsight, it wasnt a waste of time. If any, it provided me with a comprehensive first hand experience of the psyche of man. Paranoia and selfishness chief among them.
Paranoia: Now, what would you do if you lost something which you shouldnt have (but then, what should you lose? (fats?)), and the consequences would be ultimately dire (no exaggeration here). Given you have 2 days to consider all the possiblities, work out all the alternate realities which await on the 3rd day,
I've fondled with the thought of taking (stealing) from the person i despised most, I pondered about burglary. Even forgery. Above all, I didnt want to get caught. No. Way. In. Hell. I wasnt to get punished for something I didnt do.
The good thing was someone in fact took my map but mistake a few months back, and forgot to return it to me. But every now and then, I considered what if it DIDNT come back to me?
Selfishness; To each his own. To hell with the rest. Often I had the choice to help out, but who in the right mind would? I found out helping out in such an organisation wouldnt do one any much good. At the end of the day, you would be left doing MOST of the work. So why bother? Lay low, ignorance in this case, is bliss.
I'm disgusted by my men. Ethics, character. But maybe their disgusted with me for the same reasons too.
Its always difficult to find a perfect balance. Be good, you might come across as over friendly, too familiar, and you might even invite phonecalls at odd hours at night. Be bad, you're an insensitive bastard who should get a life and curse you if you ever do.
Maybe we were never meant to understand the generation other than ours. I don't remember myself being like that. Vile. Over sensitve. (Maybe I'm guilty of this) An outlook of their world that is laughable at best. I worry for them. Us. I bet if the smartest don't know who Benjamin Sheares was ... Its apalling. Perpostrously ridiculousy disgusting. Thats the word. D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G.
Seems like their world revolves around them and them alone. Either you're a friend, or you're an enemy.
Why do people complain about having too much homework when somewhere out there, thousands are yearning for a chance to study?
We are so lucky and we don't know it. That, I think, is our biggest fallacy.
To all the pathetic little whiners: We have a long way to go.
Posted by Unknown at 9/17/2006 01:30:00 am