Saturday, August 27, 2005
5D 4N Lim Chu Kang Laager cum Battle Course
We expected the worse already - Combining the 'Shaggness' of Ex Nutcracker, the Vigorous Section Mission Ex and god knows what. Phew ... it wasnt that bad. Haha ... but 5D 4N can shag out anyone.
Battle Course, in retropect, was pretty kewl. We could sit inside the vehicle and travel for 3 km round and round and up and down LCK ... haha. Of course there were the weird screw-ups. Post admin was hell. Different from Infantry. Hahaha. Shit ... those ASLC buggers are now SGTS.
2 weeks to ROC. Time flies in Armour. :) . So exciting. Pa already standby for me to buy his liqour. Heeeehee. Ma only worried how to call me in Taiwan. Hahha. I think going to be quite fun...
Must learn voice procedures ... haix. Not really good at it.
Posted by Unknown at 8/27/2005 05:30:00 pm
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
NDP Pix ... And the Jian Wei Hse Episode.

Here are the long delayed NDP Pix ... check em' out! (Pix Always make a blog livlier)
Went to BBQ at Jian Wei's place ... quite fun, with like 8 guys from the bunk. Den went to his place to fix up a newly upgraded comp ... here are the specs:
1) A Decent MSI Micro-ATX Mobo ... have VGA, Sound, Lan.
2) Radeon 9250 Vid Card w/ 128 MB Video Ram
3) Kingston 512 DDR-RAM
4) Casing (Power Supply incl.)
==> For $380 ... haha ... not bad yes ? Quite a good deal in my humble opinion.
(Plus $50 service charge :). Poor poor eyes got skewered from reading the pricelists(s))
Recycled the Harddisk and Cd-rw and monitor .. the rest is new. Song bo. Woah, shagged out. I'm going to hit "Publish" ...
Posted by Unknown at 8/16/2005 12:21:00 am
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Another Computer(s) Resurrected
I think I havent posted it yet ... so I shall just post it now (DUH!)
For the past week, Ultra coy was posted at Marina@Carnival ... We were in charge of doing static displays. Khuan Loon, JX, Ant, and me were incharge of the HMG and the AGL and the Bushmaster Cannon. Lots of cute kids came about ... and some very old men. Had the privillege to meet a few guys who were the first batch of NS men ... :-X
And I did a lot of computer work there.
First was 2WO Toh's laptop. He was planning on selling it, but its operating system, no matter how he tried, couldnt load. Kept coming with a "NTLDR not found" error message. He told me he was like spending 4 hrs each day for 2 weeks .
So I was fiddling with the laptop to see whether could get it back to life... almost everything failed. So the next day, I brought my usual arsenal of CDs ... popped in EBCD and ran the memtest for the fun of it. (I didnt mention we formated at least 10 times and installed the OS at least a dozen times - We had time to kill) And poofed! Memtest should error messages on the RAM ... so I got out a jackknife and took out the screws and BINGO... the blasted CONFIGMG message disappeared and everything was good to go. Heh heh.
Now, MWO Eddie saw this ... and he told me, "Soldier, I have a laptop which aint functioning. I gave my Son-in-law who's a computer engineering grad and a capt and he cant solve it. I sent to NEC and they told me to get a new motherboard. I don't care whether you knock it, throw it around, just try to get it to work." Stunned. I plugged in the power supply, and the damn thing was comatosed. Not good. Stressed already.
I took out the jack knife again, and despite 2WO Toh's objections (cos' he already tried to change the RAM), I still unscrewed the damn cover, and removed a piece of the ram... AND IT WORKED! I'll be damned ... haha. I think it was a faulty RAM slot ... MWO Eddie was overjoyed ... haha. To say the least.
And just yesterday, my damn computer gave way. Shit. Couldnt fix it yesterday ... but just now just got it fixed. I still don't know what the problem was, but I had to remove the idiotic processor to get the thing working again. Thank god!
Then today went to Ant's house to fix his computer. Actually can, now cannot. (Pardon the singlish!). Seems like it starts ... then it stops. I have an inkling that the power supply is sluggish. Hence causing the power failure. This one is proving to be difficult. And I already accepted the $20 payment! (Cause' it was working OK when I left. Always the case.)
This week we're having long weekend !! TILL TUESDAY!! WOO HOO!! Haha ... SOC I'm left with one more ... one more Standard Obstacle Course to clear ... I broke my personal best ... quite happy. 9:12 ... still not under 9 ... but considered not bad ... haha.
Posted by Unknown at 8/13/2005 06:16:00 pm
Friday, August 05, 2005
My Very first Program ...

Saw this kewl thing ... ok, I'm centuries behind ... but I think it just looks cute. SHIT really happens ... (for those who havent figured out the apprent joke yet)
Hurray! I got my very first program up and running ... nothing big - All it does is multiply, calculate the circumference of a circle and some other stuff. Here's the source code for one of the programs hand-typed by yours truly:
#!perl -w
#Write a program that promopts for and reads a string and a number on
#separate lines of inout and prints out the string the number of times
#inducated by the number on separate lines. Use the x operator. If the
#user enteres fred and 3 .. the output should be three lines.
print "Please enter a number\n";
$number = ; print
"You have entered '$number'. Now, enter a word\n";
$word = ;
print "You have entered '$word'";
$result = $word x $number;
print "The results from this program are:\n$result";
#Did a mistake ... word should always precede number..
#chomp is used to remove a newline (\n) from the character.
#for example, if chomp were to be removed from "word" (assuming 'ok' is used)
#the result would show okokok instead of a neat list. :)This is the furthest I've got from ever trying to get into programming. I guess I shalt have to go all the way. I'm hooked.
Went out with Winnie just now... walked from Dhobby Ghaut to Bugis. Quite fun ... hehe.
Posted by Unknown at 8/05/2005 10:09:00 pm
The 3rd Endeavour Begins...
I simply loath the Blogskins website. First off, it has a strikingly poor layout. Secondly, it's exasperating to find what I wanted, if I even knew what I wanted. And if you're expecting a Point Number Three, I'm sorry, the grey matter residing in the numb skull of mind seems to be malfunctioning.
{Had to book in today to Hotel Gedung, to have some briefing by the AGTS guys. Tomorrow's going to be a day off, so most of us were in high spirits. Although we had a minor problem: We didnt know where to go. I guess you could place this as a somewhat happy problem.}
I deleted my 2 other blogs. I'd cite the reasons a being unmaintained and lacking a (usable) tagboard, but I just don't want to remember any (happy/unhappy) memories. All messages are gone, though hard to accomplish at first.
[Went to Orchard to hunt for O'reilly's Learning Perl a.k.a. The Llama Book. I think I just might infringe copyright again. Sidenote: There's such thing as a "CopyLEFT". Thank god it wasnt a wasted trip. I had my "Learning Vi" Book already ... :)
In case for those unenlightened:-
Perl stands for practical extraction and reporting language. Sounds cheem, but I think its quite cool.
VI is a editor .. grand daddy of editors. Extremly powerful. Highly arcane. (to me, that is)
If you're wondering whether I'm out of my mind (yes) or left with nothing better to do (no), I'd leave you to your own judgement. (What's your biz anyway?)
{[ I don't mean to whine, but SOC 2 was the most siong ever. Till know my shoulders still ache. Should have upped the weights to 14.5 kg earlier. Bleah.}]
I love being in Armour. Sgt Neo rocks... haha. I'm like some newbie Sec 1 gushing over ... I can't imagine. Still don't know why Huat couldnt' lift the damn AGL (=Automatic Grenade Launcher). (Weighs 33.0 kg) Miss our bunk training. We don't get that already. Forget it, will still train myself. No one, Nothing will stop me.
Previous weeks were quite hectic. Did a major screwup pertaining to the signal stores. Just typed this to Ling (she's on MSN) >> NS ... ... only reaffirmed my cynism towards some of my fellow peers ... ... that a good majority of them are selfish fuckers who don't give a damn about others by themselves.<<
I finished 2 books in a week. Borrowed a "Essential Clive Barker" ... thrilled... cant wait to start. Acutally, I already did. Haaa... ...
Yesterday was Pa's birthday, and we had a wonderful meal at Jacks place at AMK. Worried about his leg. Was skimming through the medical report, and as I was engulfed by technical medical jargon, I was engulfed by emotion: Fear, Anger, Concern, Contrite all lumped into a great big ball stuck in the narrow confines on my throat. I wonder how he can stand the pain all day, 24/7. Wonder whether the operation (if any) would lessen the pain. I hope it does, if the medical report is to be believed.
I'm getting sick of this restless feeling inside me of late. Very irritating. And I don't know whats the cause of it. Loss? Lost?
Posted by Unknown at 8/05/2005 12:43:00 pm